Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More RCACP Stats

Here's a little more evidence that the community is stepping up and being more responsible. So far, in 2011, the Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection has taken in 92 less animals per month than in 2010. 

That's 92 less animals to care for and network per month than last year.

Imagine what some counseling to owners giving up their pets could do. It's called Owner Retention and we have been told a program like this is a possibility. What a perfect opportunity for volunteers to step in and help.

The numbers this year are encouraging- less admissions, less being killed. Thank you to the hard working staff at the RCACP for helping to facilitate the improvements.

We can do this, Roanoke, just like other communities across Virginia have become No Kill Communities. 

Now we just need the existing policies, procedures and leadership to believe it too.  And then change to make it happen.


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