Wednesday, May 23, 2012

RCACP: Good For Their Money, But Not Their Animals

Nevie is a dog who has been at RCACP for quite a while, and on the "extremely urgent" list for almost a week. This means she she is very close to being killed.

Email requests to Bill Watson and Ruth Pierce asking for her transfer to the Roanoke SPCA have gone unanswered. Both Mr. Watson and Ms. Pierce receive RCACP (your tax money) salaries.

Nevie remains at the Roanoke Pound and is in serious danger of being killed. She is a staff and volunteer favorite. There are also hound puppies at the Roanoke Pound, and they are in danger because the room they are in is full. 

The Roanoke Valley SPCA "wholly owns" the company that runs the pound. Inter-company transactions and balances are "consolidated". The SPCA utilizes RCACP staff and owes over $2000 for this staff time.

Given these facts, isn't it something that Bill Watson has the audacity to transfer a puppy from Montgomery County to the Roanoke SPCA? Is it because she is a collie mix, and "more desirable" than hound puppies?

How about a little consolidation of the "less desirable" animals, Mr. Watson? How about a little consolidation of medical care for these animals? If you don't care enough about the animals to do it, how about a little compassion for your staff and volunteers who are working so hard to save them?


  1. did Angels of Assisi take the puppy's brother?

  2. Someone came in and took a bunch of dogs and puppies today I believe. I'm not sure who it was. I'm not sure exactly who they took either

  3. Angels took the brother of the puppy from Montgomery County. hypocrite no?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Actually, Angels does not have a contract with the Roanoke pound, nor do they get money to run it. The SPCA does.

    1. The comments contained here resemble "emotional incest" more than an honest, good spirited discussion of FACTS versus hidden agendas.
